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Sunday Worship

October 13th @ 10 am. In the Sanctuary. Live Streamed.

🤗 Pastor Jim will preach on "Why Do You Call Me Good?" based on Mark 10:17-31.
♫ The Choir will sing "God Knows."

"Joyful Path" Lesson for Sun. Oct. 13th

People in the Neighborhood: Using the ideas in the parable of the Good Samaritan, the 1st-5th graders will be reminded that one way to show love to our neighbors is to see them as connected to us. Our neighbors are part of our sacred community.

"Sacred Stitches" Ministry

Thursday, Oct. 10th
All are invited to gather for fellowship from 10:30-11:30 am in the church lounge. The group has been busy knitting and have replenished the FCC prayer shawl rack in the narthex. Feel free to take one and pass it along to someone who is in need of comfort. Mary Klein, leader.

What Might  A "Just Peace" for Israel & Palestine Look Like

Thursday, October 17th
Held in the FCC Sanctuary from 7-8:30 pm
This workshop will be presented by Rev. Diane Dulin and Thomas Beilmann, who recently served on the steering committee of the national UCC Palestine-Israel Network ( Topics will include key elements of the Just Peace Resolution (approved for study at the WI Conf UCC annual meeting in June), Biblical and theological grounding, and why this resolution is important. There will be time for questions and answers as well.

G.O.A.T. (Going On Alone Together) Group

Friday, October 18th
Held from 4-5:30 pm in the FCC lounge

Gather for some light appetizers and beverages. This group was formed last Spring for women who had recently lost their husbands.  We are now expanding the group to include ALL women who have experienced the loss of a spouse (no matter how many years ago). Come provide wisdom and support for each other. Invite a friend! Pastor Julia, facilitator.

FCC "Fall Fest" Gathering - Sun. Oct. 27th 4-6 pm in Lucas Hall

Join in a time of fellowship, good food and fun for ALL ages! We will enjoy a chili supper with a pie fest for dessert! There will be lots of games and children's activities including pumpkin decorating "Shalom, Indeed" Singing Group will offer music for our enjoyment! Sign-up to provide food, volunteer to serve or simply let us know you are coming! Sign-up here by Wednesday, October 23.

Post-Doom Spirituality Webinar

October 16th at 5 pm
Featuring leading voices in this field: Matthew Fox, Margaret Wheatley, and Brian McLaren. These renowned thinkers and spiritual leaders will guide us in understanding how Post-Doom Spirituality can help us navigate the complexity of today’s world with a sense of purpose and possibility.

➡️➡️➡️ Register Here!

The Community Café

Friday, Oct. 25th
A daily meal held at St. Luke's Methodist Church. We are in need of 5 people to help with food prep, setting up, serving lunch, hospitality, and clean up-shift runs from 10:30 am-2 pm. We are also in need of five people to each make 1-2 gallons of chicken and rice soup. Sign-up here.

Disaster Relief following Hurricane Helene

The Wisconsin Conference UCC has launched an appeal to support recovery efforts in the Southeast following the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene. Funds donated to the Conference will be forwarded to Church World Service. Give today.

Gently Used or Outgrown Clothing Needed

The Kiwanis Clothing Exchange is underway. Bring in warm winter clothes (gently worn and clean). Collection barrel located in the FCC coat room thru Oct. 14th. The clothing exchange will be held on Sat. Oct. 19th at Grant Elementary School from 9-11 am.

"Consumables" Collection Update

Thanks to all who have contributed to consumables donation drive to benefit the students who attend the Literacy Council English Language classes at FCC on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. We no longer are in need of toothpaste or toothbrushes but are still collecting toilet paper, garbage bags, laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo, sanitary pads, infant/size 1 diapers, and paper towels. A donation bin is located in the FCC coat room.

"Neighbors in Need" offering In October

This year's Neighbors in Need theme "Mental Health Justice for All: Mental Health is a Universal Right" highlights our God-given right to mental health. In 2015, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ passed a resolution to become WISE (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged) for mental health.  A just world for all is a world where the human rights and well-being of people with mental health challenges are respected, no matter who you are or where you are in one's mental health journey. Checks may be made payable to FCC, memo: NIN. You can put the rest of this under "read more about NIN"

This annual offering supports the UCC’s ministries of justice and compassion throughout the U.S. The offering supports UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries to fund a wide array of local and national justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects. Working with members of the UCC Justice and Peace Action Network (a network of thousands of UCC justice and peace advocates), Justice and Witness continues its strong policy advocacy work on issues such as the federal budget, voting rights, immigration, health care, hate crimes, civil liberties, and environmental justice. Check may be made payable to FCC, memo: NIN.

“Grace, Grief and Goodness - The Gifts of Being Human"

Fri. Nov. 1st - Sat. Nov. 2nd
A fall retreat for FCC women led by Pastor Julia Hollister at Daycholah Center (formerly known at Pilgrim Center) on Green Lake, WI. Join with women of all ages in a time of fellowship and relaxation. There will be opportunities to walk the outdoor labyrinth and enjoy the beautiful natural setting on Green Lake. Cost is $120.00 for double room and $180 for single room (scholarship is available – speak to Pastor Julia). Retreat begins at 6:00 pm on Friday (with dinner by Daycholah Staff) and ends at 3:00pm on Saturday. Participants will stay in Oak Mound Lodge. Sign-up here - Women's retreat

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