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Music & Worship

  We are an affirming community.  

  We lift up the talents and efforts of others while strengthening our individual gifts from God.  


The adult choir sings a variety of musical styles under the direction of Carra-Lyn Conger. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:00 pm and Sunday mornings from 9-9:45 am.


The Handbell Choir rings in the new church seasons and festival days, such as Reformation Sunday, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays from 6-7:00 pm. All ages are welcome.


The Brass Ensemble accompanies the hymns on occasional Sundays. They typically rehearse before worship services on Sundays.

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Strings, woodwinds, soloists, ensembles, and other musicians are welcome throughout the church year. Contact Carra-Lyn to discuss!

  Music plays an important role in the life of worship at FCC Sheboygan. Music Ministries, directed by Carra-Lyn Conger, include Choir, Handbell Choir, Brass Ensemble, and various soloists and small ensembles who are welcomed throughout the church year. Interested in learning more about our Music Ministries? Email Carra-Lyn.   

We Welcome Your Support!

First Congregational Church of Christ, UCC

First Congregational Church is a spiritually diverse, Open and Affirming congregation that welcomes all who seek to follow Jesus’ way. Worship services are every Sunday at 10 AM. Sunday School for children is provided at time of worship, and a staffed nursery is available for God’s littlest children. Join us!

Address: 310 Bluff Avenue, Sheboygan

Phone: 920-457-4818


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